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Let's get serious!

If you are a non-smoker, wouldn't you like the right to walk out of a restaurant, shopping mall, or movie theatre without breathing in second-hand smoke? Every time I go to the mall, I am faced with inhaling the smoke of others when entering or leavi

If you are a non-smoker, wouldn't you like the right to walk out of a restaurant, shopping mall, or movie theatre without breathing in second-hand smoke?

Every time I go to the mall, I am faced with inhaling the smoke of others when entering or leaving the building, even though laws state that smokers must be 25 feet away from any door or window.

I am a concerned teenager and I believe everyone should have the right to a smoke free-environment. I have observed the laws established to protect these rights are not being obeyed by those who smoke, nor enforced by the bylaw officers.

Bylaw officers must enforce this law as well as implementing more severe consequences for defying this law. Second-hand smoke is the third leading cause of preventable death in Canada.

Kelly Soroko