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Letter: A big thank you for your support in the Dystonia Walkathon

Dwayne Backer appreciates help in raising $11,500 this year
Dwayne Backer has single handedly raised more than $100,000 over 18 years for dystonia research. (Supplied)

“As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person”

Words cannot convey how much I appreciated your continued kindness and generous support towards the Dystonia Walkathon, held this year on June10.

If there were a few more million people like you in this world, this would be a very pleasant planet full of generous acts of kindness. One of the deep secrets of life is that all that is really worth doing is what we do for others. You never fail to make me smile in my heart

To all my relatives, neighbours, friends, business people, and last but not least, the service clubs in Valley East that supported me in my 18th Dystonia Walkathon, you were all instrumental in my raising $11,578.

Without your continuous generosity, thoughtfulness and kindness when I approached you for sponsorship, I could never have reached that amount. I’m humbled and very grateful. I'm overwhelmed and still amazed at your generosity. You have helped in changing the world of many people suffering from this disorder. Thanks for helping me in my quest.

The purpose of this Dystonia Walkathon is twofold: to raise awareness of this debilitating, spasmodic disorder and to raise funds for research into this movement disorder.

Dystonia is a disorder that affects the nervous system. Improper signalling from the brain causes muscles to tighten and twist involuntarily. These muscle spasms force areas of the body into awkward movements and positions. Dystonia may be painful and interfere with daily activities. Dystonia is considered a “neurological movement disorder.” It is a widespread disease, but one of the least known and is often misdiagnosed.

There is still no cure for Dystonia, but thanks to research, great strides have been achieved in the treatment of the disease.

I was diagnosed in the '60s and have seen steady advancement in the diagnosis and treatment of the disorder. There are incredible benefits of research in this field. Funds raised in this walkathon is money well spent. Ask me the difference between then and now.
The roads we live in life may be all different, but helping each other with our struggles along the way makes us all become more empathetic and humane!

Dwayne Backer