In 1943, a branch of the Navy League of Canada was formed here in Sudbury.
The main purpose was to sponsor a sea cadet corps. Members of the new branch decided to name the corps after Admiral Mountbatten and when permission was granted by the admiral, recruiting began in October 1943.
The first commanding officer appointed was Lieutenant Commander William Beaver, a First World War Naval veteran.
In 1958, the Sudbury Branch of the Navy League was granted permission to form a Navy League Cadet Corps for boys ages nine to 12 years old.
Since 1943, more than 6,000 young Sudburians have received training to become loyal and productive citizens of Sudbury and Canada. Girls have been part of sea cadet training since 1975 and have travelled all over Canada and have participated in international visits and exchanges. Many of our former cadets have served in Canada's Armed Forces, the RCMP, OPP and city police, Paramedic and fire services. Some have served as doctors, lawyers, successful business owners and some have served as service club and Legion presidents.
We have been a productive part of the growing Greater City of Sudbury for 75 years now and will celebrate this achievement with a 75th anniversary reunion May 4-6, culminating with the annual Battle of the Atlantic Parade and ceremony at Memorial Park on May 6. Our Guest of honour will be Major General Herb Petras, who was director general of Reserves and Cadets when he retired from the Canadian Forces. He is a well-known and respected Sudburian who was a teacher and then principal of St. Charles College and a former commanding officer of the 2nd Battalion of the Irish Regiment of Canada.
Citizens of the Greater City of Sudbury can be proud of our Navy League branch, Mountbatten Sea Cadet Corps and the Navy League Cadet Corps who have brought many awards to the city.
Commander Gerald Bradley CD RCNR (Ret'd)
President, Mountbatten Alumni Association