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Letter: Don't get angry at drivers merging properly

The zipper merge is how it's supposed to be done, says letter writer
Zipper Merge (5)
Letter-writer Chantal MacDonald thinks people need a reminder about proper etiquette in construction zones. (Supplied)

I think many need a friendly reminder that you are supposed to merge like a zipper when one lane ends due to construction.

When one lane is closed, everyone crowds in to the lane that is not ending, causing major backups. Those that continue to drive forward in the lane that is closing and then "butt" into the open lane at the last second are seen as jerks. But this is how it is actually supposed to work. 

Everyone is meant to fill both lanes evenly and then merge like a zipper when the one lane ends. This creates the best traffic flow and the least backups such that everyone gets through the quickest.
As such, everyone should be doing this — this needs to become the custom! And if you choose to hang out in the backed up open lane, please don't get upset with those driving forward in the other lane, because they are doing what they are supposed to be doing!

Chantal MacDonald
Greater Sudbury