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Letter: No, there is no assault on Christmas

‘Noël is one of several spirit-enriching celebrations with family and friends happening around the world this winter — though it is far from being the first one in human history’
typewriter pexels-caryn-938165 (From Pexels by Caryn)

“'Tis the season of dupes and conmen, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Dangerously fragile like glass orn'ments, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
Declaring once more a War on Christmas, Fa la la la la, la la la la.
From their priviliged bunkers in the West, Fa la la la la, la la la laaa.”

Noël is one of several spirit-enriching celebrations with family and friends happening around the world this winter — though it is far from being the first one in human history. Or the last. 

Declaring that this time of year should just be about one religious sales event is akin to insisting that sex is only meant for making babies when reality clearly says otherwise.

Oh for the love of God, accept Creation! 

Naturally, to some extent, every individual feels their beliefs are truer than the credence of others. Since the dawn of humankind, there have been a multitude of paths leading to a better understanding of this phenomenal universe contingent on the steps taken. 

No one today is stopping you from saying “Merry Christmas” along the way.

The Three Magi have been replaced in modern times by self-centered fools, fiends of paranoia, and wannabe warriors attempting to erase the existence of any faith deemed not as pure as their driven soul by assailing "Happy Holidays" or other festive wishes of love and hope in the cold dark of winter. 

Earth is multicultural. Get over it.

Mark Kirkwood Callingham 
Ottawa, ON