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Letter: We need a better mail delivery system

Reader wonders why there doesn’t seem to be standard of delivery from Canada Post
typewriter pexels-caryn-938165 (From Pexels by Caryn)

Does anyone know why a service that is known as Canada Post can discriminate about mail delivery according to your address?

If you live in the country as on a farm or in a remote area, you can get your mail delivered at your driveway every day.

In some small communities and cities, we have community boxes on street corners, which are very convenient and effective.

In the 21st century, why is mail delivery not the same for everyone? Why can’t community boxes not work for everyone?

Some residents are elderly, some handicapped, many don’t have a vehicle and the post office is a mile or more from their residence.

Nobody is asking for mail to be delivered to the house or apartment, all we are asking for is to be treated like all tax paying Canadian citizens.

Asking for someone to pick up your mail should not have to be an option, your mail is private.

Colette Kelly
Greater Sudbury