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Letter: Why free parking for hospital staff is essential

Sudbury nurse lays out the case to exempt Health Sciences North staff from having to pay for parking at the hospital when they’re working
typewriter pexels-min-an-1448709 (From Pexels by Min An)

I am writing to express my strong support for providing free parking to the dedicated staff at Health Sciences North (HSN). This initiative is not only a matter of fairness, but also a crucial step towards ensuring the well-being and effectiveness of our health-care workforce.

The staff at HSN work tirelessly, often during odd hours, to provide essential care and support to patients in need. From nurses and doctors to administrative staff, support and maintenance workers, these individuals undertake challenging tasks that require dedication, skill and compassion. Their work is not only physically demanding, but emotionally taxing, and it requires a level of commitment that not everyone can fulfill.

However, the lack of free parking presents significant challenges for HSN staff. Many of these dedicated professionals already face financial strain due to the rising cost of living, and the added expense of parking fees only exacerbates their financial burden. Moreover, safety concerns arise when staff members have to seek alternative parking options during late or early hours, especially considering the unpredictable nature of their work.

For many staff members, walking, biking or taking transit simply isn't a viable option. Some live too far away from the hospital, while others work late shifts when public transportation is limited or nonexistent. Providing free parking would not only alleviate these concerns, but also ensure staff members can arrive at work safely and on time, allowing them to focus fully on providing high-quality care to patients.

Furthermore, providing free parking for HSN staff would have positive effects on the hospital and the community as a whole. By removing the financial burden of parking fees, staff members can dedicate more of their resources and energy to their work (not that they don’t already do so,) leading to improved patient outcomes and overall satisfaction. Additionally, supporting the needs of our health-care heroes would raise staff morale by fostering a sense of community engagement and appreciation for their invaluable contributions.

While some may criticize hospital staff for wanting free parking, it's essential to counter these disparaging comments with empathy and understanding. Health-care workers perform difficult and often thankless tasks, and providing them with free parking is a small yet meaningful gesture of appreciation for their tireless efforts.

Some may argue against free parking for staff, citing the need for parking revenue to pay for parking lot upkeep, fears of increased taxes or fairness considering how people working elsewhere have to pay for parking. However, it's essential to consider the broader benefits of such a policy. 

The safety and well-being of staff members should be our top priority, and investing in free parking is a crucial step towards ensuring this. Moreover, the positive impact on hospital operations and community engagement would far outweigh any potential drawbacks.

In support of this cause, I urge members of the public to sign and share the petition calling for free staff parking at HSN. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that our healthcare heroes receive the support and recognition they deserve.

To sign the petition, please visit:

Anthony Nito, RN