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Liberals throw good money after bad - Gerry McIntaggart

It must have been one of Prime Minister Paul Martin's worst days. He had no choice but to play second fiddle to his former boss on the hot seat at the Gomery inquiry.

It must have been one of Prime Minister Paul Martin's worst days. He had no choice but to play second fiddle to his former boss on the hot seat at the Gomery inquiry.

He knows full well that it's a dishonourable scene for millions of Canadians to watch as the Liberal Party of Canada continues to mismanage the affairs of the country.

The point isn't whether the strategy of pouring $100 million into the coffers of Liberal friendly ad agencies was the right thing to do.

The point is $100 million is gone and Prime Minister Jean Chretien, along with Martin, simply shrug their shoulders and pronounce, "We had nothing to do with it and we don't know who did."

Both gentlemen denied giving any political direction with regard to the misspent money, although Martin stated very clearly prior to the inquiry that high-ranking political direction had to be given. As well, he fired Minister Alfonso Gagliano. Was this firing not based on just cause?

The Federal Liberals tell us, "this was the only way to keep the country together." That comment rightly infuriates most Quebecers when they hear the Liberals were attempting to buy their votes with their own dollars.

Canadians are right to wonder about the young sailor who gave his life because of a lack of adequate funding for our submarine program. Or to ask how many MRIs we could buy with $100 million. What about our health-care system and our nurses who are being burned out trying to make up for lack of funding? $100 million would bring in 1,500 more nurses.

What about our children looking to access affordable post secondary education? $100 million could provide 20,000 students with grants of
$5,000 each. What about a national daycare program? $100 million could provide 12,000 spots at $8,333 per child. What about the homeless?

What about the loss of 100 beds in our new hospital? What about a fair deal for our city?

It is estimated that the Gomery Commission will cost Canadians approximately $60 million.

I guess the Liberals don't value the hard-earned dollar as I do.

Should I be so bold to talk about the Liberal shutdown of the Somalia Inquiry, or the $92 million purchase of "state-of-the-art" Bombardier Challenger jets, being used by lower level cabinet ministers as their personal taxi service? I'll save this and much, much more for another time.

Gerry McIntaggart