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More punishment for taxpayers - Jack Becvar

Sudburians thought they elected intelligent, fiscally responsible and generally astute people to manage and direct Greater" Sudbury's affairs. Our councillors proved us wrong.
Sudburians thought they elected intelligent, fiscally responsible and generally astute people to manage and direct Greater" Sudbury's affairs.

Our councillors proved us wrong. Thousands of taxpayers' dollars were spent to pay consultants because our council was unable or unwilling to make intelligent decisions.

Gross amounts of money were spent to refurbish council chambers. Some $350,000 would have fixed a lot of potholes or put towards projects which would have been beneficial for all taxpayers.

And why did Sudbury need another million dollar building? The (provincial tower) white elephant is going to cost us dearly down the road.

And now there is more talk about a "per garbage bag fee" to dig even deeper in our pockets. As if the water and sewer fees weren't enough.

With an election coming up, one wonders what other great boondoggles are in store for taxpayers. It's time to think hard about making some changes at city hall. The present council does not deserve our confidence any longer.

Jack Becvar