According to Sudbury Downs general manager Ken LeDrew, "the
slots are doing very well and so is the racetrack." He believes
this should bode well for Sudbury Transit to jump at the chance
to replace the shuttle service from downtown to the
casino/track complex.
On the other hand, LeDrew noted, "We always strive to
deliver excellent customer service, but we have a business to
operate, and like every business, we must look at all aspects
of it. With the big increase in fuel prices, we felt we could
spend our money in better ways and the shuttle service will be
cancelled effective May 1."
Is Councillor Ron Bradley on the "right track" when, in
response to the announced end of the shuttle service, he
declared, "I can guarantee you there will be public
transportation to Sudbury Downs .... it's going to happen?"
Bradley is a dedicated, determined and hardworking
representative of the people of Ward 2 where Sudbury Downs is
located. While he speaks for them, he cannot make such a
guarantee on behalf of Mayor David Courtemanche and his fellow
A suggestion by LeDrew that the rising costs of delivering
patrons to the slots and the race track can conveniently and
arbitrarily be shifted from Sudbury Downs to the taxpayers of
Greater Sudbury needs to be very seriously debated at city
How about a compromise? Sudbury Transit provides the service
and Sudbury Downs reimburses the city for the difference
between the cost and revenue from fares.
A trial period might well prove that a booming Sudbury Downs
will mean a profit, or at least break even, for Sudbury Transit
that all taxpayers can applaud.
Robert J. Keir