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Questions remain about new snow removal policy - Perry Guilbault

So, we are well into our winter and it seems our newly developed snow removal plan is not working as well as expected. This can be gauged by the amount of complaint calls and the mayor's address this past week.

So, we are well into our winter and it seems our newly developed snow removal plan is not working as well as expected. This can be gauged by the amount of complaint calls and the mayor's address this past week.

One must ask themselves quite a few questions about the logic for this new plan to save money and here are a few to ponder:

- We live in Northern Ontario where we will have snow to deal with, some years worse than others. Why would we cut short on the service?

- Why did we hire an management consulting firm from Hamilton to do an external audit at a cost of $40,000?

- Why do we then hire an engineering firm from Ottawa (at a cost of $98,756) to create an implementation strategy based on the findings from the
consulting firm from Hamilton?

- We seem to be having a fairly mild winter than normal, so do we have still have to pay all of these consulting fees and did this really save us money?

- Why weren't the skills of city employees drawn upon instead of hiring outside consultants?

- If one of the main cost reductions was scheduling, did the department managers not have the skills to manage such a task internally?

In conclusion, it is time for us as taxpayers to get the best return on our tax dollars, which means the best performance from our city employees without cutting services and hiring outside consultants.

Perry Guilbault
New Sudbury