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Resist being spun - Adam Gassner

The media has been referred to as the Fourth Estate, it being the de-facto fourth arm of government along with the executive, parliament and the judiciary.

The media has been referred to as the Fourth Estate, it being the de-facto fourth arm of government along with the executive, parliament and the judiciary.

The purpose of this Fourth Estate was to hold the powers of the other three in check by keeping the public informed about the truth behind their actions.

It is all too rare that the media - and specifically the mainstream media - lives up to this duty. I read a lot of media, and it's tiring to have to sift through five or six stories on an event or issue to even make out a shadow of the truth. Ever read Plato's Republic? He talks about shadows on the walls of a cave as the only truth that humanity as a whole can usually know.

Thanks to Northern Life for taking your 'duty' seriously in writing a piece about the Quality of Life Report (City spin doctors misdiagnose report - Feb. 9 edition). The standard media response would be simply to do a verbatim report on the press release. You instead decided to look at it with a critical eye.
In particular, I respected that you highlighted women's issues, as they are all too often buried beneath politics and PR.

I've read enough journalism and pondered its role in the world enough to know when one of its practitioners is doing their job well. I especially like to see
it in a local paper. All change comes from the grassroots level. Thanks for being part of it.

Adam Gassner