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School advertising waste of money - William E. McLeod

I am writing to register concern about commercials that have been appearing on local television in which young people, ostensibly Grade 8 students, are being encouraged to attend St. Benedict's high school.
I am writing to register concern about commercials that have been appearing on local television in which young people, ostensibly Grade 8 students, are being encouraged to attend St. Benedict's high school. This, in my view, is a highly irresponsible expenditure of public funds.

If, as a result of these advertisements, some kids go to St. Benedict's instead of another school, that other school will lose enrolment. Either way, nobody wins. It is indeed unfortunate the individuals who placed these commericials did not see fit to spend the money on school supplies, testing for learning disabled kids or a school trip, to name just a few responsible uses of these funds.

The whole business is part of the waste of billions of dollars of our money on two school systems while our health-care system is going into the tank.

The waste of education dollars doesn't end there. Do we really need 20 universities and 26 community colleges? It is time for a referendum to see what Ontario residents think of the duplication and waste that characterizes two parallel systems of education.

William E. McLeod