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Setting record straight - Rob Vaillancourt

I was reading your newspaper Friday, Jan. 23 and was shocked to find the front-page story contained an inaccuracy. The newspaper reported the "Sudbury Lions Club" is involved in raising funds for a skateboard park in Minnow Lake.
I was reading your newspaper Friday, Jan. 23 and was shocked to find the front-page story contained an inaccuracy.

The newspaper reported the "Sudbury Lions Club" is involved in raising funds for a skateboard park in Minnow Lake.

The Minnow Lake Lions Club, not the "Lions Club of Sudbury" deserves the credit for the hard work of raising the funds for the proposed skateboard park.

There is actually no Lions Club called the "Sudbury Lions Club." Our correct title is "The Lions Club of Sudbury".

There are currently no less than 20 separate Lions, Lioness and Leo Clubs serving the citizens of the City of Greater Sudbury. Each Lions, Lioness or Leo Club operates independently to raise funds and serve the citizens of their local community to striving to provide a better quality of life and help the less fortunate.

Rob Vaillancourt
The Lions Club of Sudbury