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Supports ban on lawn pesticides - Ed J. Brogden

With regards to Bill Bradley's article about the decline in the frog population, scientific study seems to have established that the decline in frogs (particularly the leopard frogs) is due to increased UV damage at the tadpole stage as a result of t

With regards to Bill Bradley's article about the decline in the frog population, scientific study seems to have established that the decline in frogs (particularly the leopard frogs) is due to increased UV damage at the tadpole stage as a result of the expanding hole in the ozone layer, and not as a direct result of pesticides. Personally, I first noticed the dramatic frog decline in remote areas far from, and many miles upstream from, any possible pesticide application.

However, I am 100 percent in support of ban on pesticides on urban lawns. I would not remain in Sudbury if I were not a lover of nature (who would?).

Ed J. Brogden