Long-time Theatre Cambrian executive director Mark Mannisto is no longer with the organization.
On Nov. 10, the theatre company sent out a press release entitled “exciting changes coming to Theatre Cambrian.”
It said that Jody Evans, who joined Theatre Cambrian just four months ago as a maternity leave fill-in in the general manager position, is now the interim executive director.
The press release said she's now the contact for business matters.
When contacted by Sudbury.com to ask about Mannisto, Evans said he departed Monday, but she doesn't have any further information.
Mannisto's wife, Angel Mannisto, remains on the Theatre Cambrian board of directors as a member, according to the Nov. 10 press release.
The board also includes president Dennis Cropper, vice-president Mary Duhaime, past-president and treasurer Dale Pepin and members Yolanda Thibeault, Karen Webster, Howie Hoseas, Lisa Rouillar and Sean Sullivan.
“Theatre Cambrian is pleased to announce that exciting organizational changes are happening within the establishment,” the press release said.
“As an evolving organization, several new board members and office staff have joined the theatre this past year. All members of the Theatre Cambrian family look forward to fostering new relationships and strengthening ties within the community.”
Evans said she wants to ensure the community that “all is well” with Theatre Cambrian. “We're still going ahead with our season,” she said. “Things are still underway with rehearsals. We're still good to go.”