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Northern wildlife focus for artist

Artist Debra Lynn Ireland is exhibiting her work in a show called Northern Wildlife this month at Artists on Elgin. There will be a reception in honour of the exhibition at the 168 Elgin St. gallery Feb. 6 at 1 pm.

Artist Debra Lynn Ireland is exhibiting her work in a show called Northern Wildlife this month at Artists on Elgin.

There will be a reception in honour of the exhibition at the 168 Elgin St. gallery Feb. 6 at 1 pm.

The Beaver Lake-based artist said she has always been interested in animals. She regularly features them in her art work.

Since her early days, she sought out the wild places in her birthplace of Toronto.

“As a kid I used to hike around the ravines and the Scarborough Bluffs along Lake Ontario,” Ireland said.

“I would bring home all sorts of creatures. Some for interest (like praying mantises and snakes), others because they were injured (like birds and squirrels).

As a youth, she felt her career calling was tied up with animals.

“I thought I would be a wildlife biologist, zoologist or veterinarian, but I couldn't get past the dissection part of biology class in high school. But I was great in drawing and drafting.”

Ireland's work has been recognized by various wildlife organizations, including Ducks Unlimited, Japan Wildlife Centre, Endangered Species Fund of Canada, Canadian Conservation Stamp Guide and Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters.

For more information, phone 674-0415 or visit


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