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‘I was caught!’ We surprise a crime-fighting great-grandmother

We celebrated Sharon Marunchak with a Random Act of Kindness for her 38 years of dedication to Crime Stoppers and immeasurable impact on our community
Sharon Marunchak (middle) was surprised with a Random Act of Kindness when she met with her friends, Tammy Lanktree and Lana Tremblay, for coffee |

Sharon Marunchak’s dedication to her community has spanned nearly four decades. 

For 38 years, Sharon poured her heart and soul into Crime Stoppers, shaping it from a fledgling initiative into an indispensable pillar of Sudbury's safety and security. 

This is just one of the reasons that Tammy Lanktree, her son's girlfriend and one of the many lives touched by Sharon's kindness, nominated Sharon for a Random Act of Kindness.

"Crime Stoppers didn't exist in Sudbury before Sharon got involved,” Tammy explains. “She has helped to build it into what it is today - a hugely valuable community service."

Sharon was instrumental in launching crucial programs, including those tackling the opioid crisis and trafficking - initiatives that have undoubtedly saved countless lives.

But Sharon's impact extends beyond Crime Stoppers. She embodies the spirit of compassion and selflessness, always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need. 

“She’s a really kindhearted person,” Tammy continued. “If anyone is hurting, she will help them.”

Yet, despite her monumental contributions, Sharon remains remarkably humble, preferring to stay behind the scenes. 

It's this humility that makes her recent surprise at the local coffee shop all the more meaningful - a well-deserved moment of recognition for a woman who has given so much to her community.

“I was caught!” Sharon exclaimed with a chuckle, “My friends talked me into going for coffee and I got a big surprise!”

Along with recognition from, Sharon was showered with gifts from our generous co-sponsors, Caruso Club, Fresh & Easy and Flower Towne. Team King made a donation to Crime Stoppers in honour of Sharon. 

As Sharon graciously accepted these tokens of appreciation, she couldn't help but redirect the spotlight onto Crime Stoppers and its vital role in keeping Sudbury safe. 

"Crime Stoppers is essential for our community," she emphasized. "The anonymous tip program has been instrumental in solving crimes that would have otherwise gone unresolved."

As Sharon steps away from her role, she leaves behind a legacy that will endure for generations. 

Her unwavering dedication has not only made Sudbury a safer place but has also inspired others to stand up and make a difference in their communities.

"I may be stepping back," says Sharon, "but I'll always be rooting for Crime Stoppers and for Sudbury."

Find out more about Crime Stoppers and how you could get involved at 

If you know someone in the community who deserves recognition for their selfless actions, positivity in the face of hardship, or just for being a great person, you can nominate them for a Random Act of Kindness. Fill out our nomination form today!

If you would like to support our Random Acts of Kindness program, please email [email protected] is proud to make a difference in our community by highlighting extraordinary individuals and organizations with our Random Acts of Kindness, a foundational piece of our Cares program.

The Cares team's mission is to create meaningful change in Sudbury - and inspire others to do the same.



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