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Sudbury police chief is moving on

Paul Pedersen will be the executive director of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police
Greater Sudbury Police chief Paul Pedersen.

Greater Sudbury Police Chief Paul Pedersen is moving on, as of June 22. During an in camera meeting this morning of the Police Services Board, Pedersen announced he has accepted a position as the executive director of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police.

“It has been an honour to represent the people in this service who, day in and day out, serve this community with nobility, pride, and professionalism,” Pedersen said in a news release. “I want to thank this community for welcoming me and for the ongoing support of the Police Services Board over the years. It is with mixed feelings that I bring this chapter of my life to a close.” 

Pedersen has served as chief of Greater Sudbury Police Service since May 4, 2014, taking over from predecessor Frank Elsner.

Ward 8 Coun. Al Sizer, who chairs the PSB, praised Pedersen in the news release.

“Chief Pedersen has served this community and this police service admirably for over a decade and has made an everlasting impact with his professional dedication to community safety and well-being,” he said.

The board will now begin a selection process to find the city’s next police chief.

The association of chiefs also put out a statement congratulating Pedersen, which you can see below.

Greater Sudbury Mayor Paul Lefebvre also issued a statement Thursday about Pedersen's impending departure.

"On behalf of city council, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations to Greater Sudbury Police Chief Paul Pederson on his retirement from the Greater Sudbury Police Service and thank him for dedicating 10 years of his career to ensuring the safety and security of our community," said Lefebvre, in the statement.

"Through my work as a member of the Greater Sudbury Police Services Board, I have come to know Chief Pederson as a progressive and highly-skilled professional who has demonstrated great leadership through challenging times including the pandemic, and the changing needs in our community.

"While he will be missed, knowing he will continue to represent our needs at the provincial level as the Executive Director of the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police is reassuring. Once again, I am pleased to congratulate Chief Pederson on his new role and wish him continued success as he embarks on this exciting and challenging next chapter."


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