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Sudbury workers protest closure of Affinia plant

Workers expressed strong words for the McGuinty provincial government during a protest at the Affinia Canada Corp. plant located at 1 Foundry New Sudbury Wednesday (May 16.
A tattered flag outside Affinia's Sudbury plant

Workers expressed strong words for the McGuinty provincial government during a protest at the Affinia Canada Corp. plant located at 1 Foundry New Sudbury Wednesday (May 16.)

The workers blame the McGuinty government for its failure to stop plant closures in Ontario.

“Working families are suffering – whole communities are in decline because of the loss of so many manufacturing jobs.” said Wayne Fraser, United Steelworkers director for Ontario and the Atlantic region. “The premier should come to Sudbury and face the people here and tell them why he has abandoned all these communities; why he has never acknowledged the severity of the crisis; and why he has no plan.”

Affinia will close its doors June 22, putting 220 people, who are members of the United Steelworkers, out of work.

The plant, formerly known as Neelon Castings, has been in operation since 1975. Their main product is brake rotors. The company has said it is unable to keep up with the cost of rotors coming from China.

The New Democrat Party of Ontario recently launched its Jobs Worth Fighting For! Campaign.

“Everywhere I go, working families are frustrated by the loss of good-paying  manufacturing and resource jobs and by Dalton McGuinty's complete failure to do anything about it,” said NDP Leader Howard Hampton in a news release.

The Canadian Labour Congress will protest the loss of 250,000 Canadian jobs because of  factory and mill closures in the past five years at Parliament Hill in Ottawa next Wednesday. Members of Sudbury's labour community will be attending the rally


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