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Man arrested after driving to store in underwear

An evening drive to the local convenience store has resulted in a licence suspension, and impaired driving charges. On March 25, around 10 p.m., Greater Sudbury Police responded to the QwikWay Convenience Store on Notre Dame Avenue.

An evening drive to the local convenience store has resulted in a licence suspension, and impaired driving charges.

On March 25, around 10 p.m., Greater Sudbury Police responded to the QwikWay Convenience Store on Notre Dame Avenue.

A 41-year-old man had driven there while "highly intoxicated," explained a press release from the city.The man was wearing nothing but a jacket and his underwear.

He was arrested at the store and taken downtown to the police station, where a blood-alcohol test revealed he was almost two times over the legal blood limit.

His vehicle was towed and his licence suspended for 90 days. He is also facing a charge of impaired operation of a vehicle, and blowing over the legal limit.