Now through May 31, Ontario Provincial Police will be reminding motorists that aggressive driving is not ?normal? or ?acceptable? behaviour.
Police agencies throughout Ontario are participating in the annual Aggressive Driving Campaign. Officers will be strictly enforcing aggressive driving offences such as: speeding, following too close, unsafe lane changes, improper signaling, and disobeying traffic controls, in particular - red light and stop sign running.
?We will focus on locations with high numbers of crashes, complaints, or congestion?, says traffic Sgt. Chris Whaley of the field and traffic support bureau. ?This campaign is important because aggressive drivers don?t see themselves as the problem. That?s what contributes to them being ?aggressive?. They blame everyone else.?
The OPP wants your help in keeping our roads safe. Obey the rules of the road, expect delays so you can plan ahead, and report aggressive drivers.