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Moving well into the future

Fitness programs at Moetus Health in Sudbury celebrate the unique needs of our aging bodies

Betty Friedman, acclaimed feminist activist and author of “The Feminine Mystique”, notably said that “Aging is not lost youth, but a new stage of opportunity and strength.”

That was back in 1994 but even today, with nearly three decades passed, fitness companies are still using images of twenty- and thirty-somethings to promote their anti-aging programs. Social media feeds are laden with both overt and subliminal messages that try to convince us that the secret to extending (or regaining) our youthful health is to exercise like a 20 year old.

Enough is enough, says Jenine Saunders, owner of Moetus Health in Sudbury.

“What if you’re not 20 or 30 years old? What if you are 50, 60, 70 or 80?  Then what?” asks Jenine. “Bodies change.  Bodies adapt.  We need to check in and start respecting the fact that the ageing body requires a different focus.  What got us here won’t get us there.” 

It’s time to embrace the aging process and change the way we move, and how we use movement to reach our very unique potential and optimal health. “The focus needs to be more on how we move and what stabilises us.  Listening to our bodies. Being present in our bodies,” says Saunders. “I prefer to think of movement as explorative, as opposed to a workout or a repetitive exercise regime.”


We need to stop looking back to what we used to be able to do, and start looking forward to how we envision ourselves moving well in the future.

Moetus is the Latin word for “health” and as a Somatic Therapist with her Bachelor of Science in Physiotherapy, Saunders has built Moetus Health on the knowledge that movement is the route to a speedy recovery, improved health, and an overall sense of well-being. In addition to a range of personalized therapeutic services, Moetus Health offers a movement centre for practice, training, and education designed to empower every client on their transformative journey, using movement and mindfulness.

Unlike most of the exercise programs offered today, the movement classes at Moetus Health address the unique needs of more mature clients, and provide optimal benefits.

  • Reformer Pilates: “We offer Reformer Pilates which was designed as a rehabilitative tool to re-pattern functional movement and improve strength and stability”. In this class, clients will develop an understanding of the Pilates fundamentals while accessing the benefits of resistance training for core stability and strengthening.
  • Yoga: Whether you are new to yoga or a seasoned participant, you will find a class that meets your needs. “We offer various types of gentle yoga, specifically focusing on mindful movement and breath.  Qigong is a beautiful way to move energy through the body and is described as a form of movement meditation.”
  • Fascial Classes: Each class has a different theme, with an underlying focus on fascia and the role of the nervous system on joint stability, muscle tension, and functional movement. “Our MELT class ties all the systems of the body together and compliments all the classes on the schedule.”

It’s time to hang up those leg warmers and celebrate the opportunity to move your body in way that brings optimal physical and spiritual benefits. It’s time to embrace mindful movement that makes you feel good.

Moetus Health offers morning, afternoon and evening classes Monday to Saturday.

You can learn more here, call 705-674-1877 or stop by the MOETUS HEALTH studios in the Four Corners on Long Lake Road at Paris Street in Sudbury.