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Muskan and Lukesh Malhotra : Far from home – but close together

Huntington University prioritizes "making our residence feel like their home away from home"

For Muskan and Lukesh Malhotra, the home they know is far away, more than 11,000 kilometres for perspective. They were born in the Punjab region of northwest India and today they’re living the student life on campus in the Huntington University student residence in Sudbury.

When a student leaves home to study abroad, they are doing it to pursue their dreams, take in new experiences, learn independence and enjoy freedom. That is what Muskan had in mind when she came to Sudbury from India a couple of years ago to study Law and Justice. She hopes to someday become a lawyer but for her, loyalty to family is equally as important.

Lukesh is Muskan’s brother and he arrived in Sudbury in late 2022 for post-secondary education, but across town at Cambrian College in its Hospitality – Hotel and Restaurant Management program.

Muskan knew the challenges her brother would be facing relocating to a new city halfway across the world.

Childhood photo of the Malhotra siblings, Lukesh and Muskan.

“When I first arrived in Canada I had nowhere to stay,” explains Muskan. “I had to stay at an Airbnb. It was expensive and I lived out of my luggage for almost a month. I used to get lost taking the bus. There were times I was so tired I’d fall asleep on the bus ride home and woke up back at the stop where I first got on. I’m not sure too many people know how hard it is or appreciate the stress and costs that add up for international students looking for a place to live in Canada.”

It was also difficult for Muskan to know that with Lukesh leaving home in India to come to Sudbury, their parents would be empty-nesters, worried about their two children overseas. The solution: have Lukesh become Muskan’s floormate in the Huntington University student residence.

“At Huntington University, we traditionally offer housing to students learning here on our campus,” explains Phil Parker, Dean of Residence and Student Life. “But we knew this arrangement would alleviate an enormous amount of stress, both here for Lukesh and Muskan, and for their parents back home. Residence living is about making the entire experience a positive one for everyone. This has been a great example of how that worked perfectly here.”

It was at the start of the winter term that the brother and sister once again found themselves living under the same roof.

Lukesh and Muskan Malhotra, international students and siblings, both live in the residence at Huntington University as floormates

As floormates and siblings, it’s not always easy. Just like back home, they bicker about cleaning, dishes and privacy. However, they are also there to share expenses, cook together, and look out for each other as they adjust to life in Canada.

“Most people don’t know this, but every international student gets sick when they come to Canada,” says Muskan. “It’s the acute weather change, it affects us all. Having a familiar face, having my own family here is something I am very grateful for.”

Keeping family together – Lukesh and Muskan Malhotra are grateful to both be able to call Huntington University residence their home away from home.

“We’re so happy to have Muskan and Lukesh as part of the Huntington community,” says Parker. “Everyone in our residence is part of the HU family, and this is a value we’ve been fostering since opening our doors in 1960. Times may have changed, but we still strongly believe in making our residence feel like their home away from home. Whether a student is coming from within Greater Sudbury or further afield, the HU residence aims to be a place that feels comfortable, safe, and instills a sense of belonging within a big extended family.”

As Muskan will tell you, the residence she found at Huntington is like winning the lottery.

“I just love the rooms, a perfect size considering most other residences are quite small. Everything is so well-maintained and clean. Even though washrooms and kitchens are shared, they’re always clean. It’s amazing.”

For international students, having enough money is always an issue and the added amenities, activities and events that come as part of the package when living at Huntington just can’t be beat.

“For my brother and I, it’s also how we are treated by the leadership at Huntington,” Muskan explains. “They are so accommodating when it comes to working out rent and adapting and understanding pressures of international students and cash crunches. No other facilities would do that. And the opportunity to apply for Huntington scholarships for international students – no other residences have that. There is no better place for us to be than here.”

If you’re interested in learning more about the residence at Huntington University and how to apply for a space for the fall – simply visit them online.