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Canadians can make a difference - Gary Kinsman

Citizens should speak out against an attack on the people of Iraq because: It will lead to a major humanitarian disaster. The UN estimates 1.
Citizens should speak out against an attack on the people of Iraq because:

It will lead to a major humanitarian disaster. The UN estimates 1.5 million people in Iraq have already died as a result of the first Gulf War and the sanctions imposed on Iraq. It will be the innocent civilians and the poor in Iraq who will bear the brunt of this new attack both directly, and indirectly through disease and starvation.

It is mobilizing racism against people of Arab and Islamic backgrounds around the world. It is portraying them as the "enemy" and is fomenting hatred and prejudice against them. All forms of racism and prejudice need to be opposed. Islam is not the enemy. War is not the answer.

A war will be a transfusion of blood for oil. An occupation of a country by foreign forces can never lead to democracy and social justice. The real intent is to gain western control over the Arab world and for control over Iraq's oil reserves.

There is no evidence that Iraq currently has "weapons of mass destruction." When the Iraqi regime did actually use such weapons against the Kurds in the north and people in Iran the American government said nothing because Iraq was then a western ally. It is actually the Americans that have far more weapons of mass destruction than any other power.

Money will be diverted from crucial social spending on housing, health care, ending poverty, education, and other social needs to war and militarism.

The Canadian government has been showing signs that it will support this unjust war whether it has UN Security Council support or not.

Write your MPs and the prime minister outlining why you oppose Canadian participation in an attack on innocent civilians with or without Security Council sanction. Let your representatives know that you do not want your taxes to pay for the murder of innocent people in an unjust attack
Join the Sudbury Anti-War Mobilization. We are a group of students, trade unionists, people in the faith community, community activists, mothers, fathers and many others who stand for: peace; opposition to war; an end to racism; and for civil liberties.

Gary Kinsman
Sudbury Anti-War Mobilization