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Is hospital supervisor tinkerbell?

I never cease to be amazed at the machinations of the never-ending saga of Sudbury Regional Hospital restructuring board.
I never cease to be amazed at the machinations of the never-ending saga of Sudbury Regional Hospital restructuring board. They will now have us believe the staff, management and the board of directors are looking forward to working with the provincially appointed supervisor as if he will be a cure-all to right all the wrongs.

Do they honestly think that this person is a cross between Jesus Christ, who turned water into wine, and Tinkerbell, who spreads fairy dust to make everything better in the world?

This individual will be nothing more than another provincial government crony appointee culled from the same cesspool of experts who spawned the Ontario Hospital Restructuring Committee, who got us into this mess in the first place.

And, unless this supervisor is coming with deep pockets, we are allowing ourselves to be scammed if we think this supervisor is being sent here to help us.

The members of the Hospital Restructuring Committee, should all be arrested and charged with fraud.

L.J. Guenette