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People can change - Tom O'Connor

I am writing to thank Paul Chislett for his letter in the March 11 issue replying to a letter in the Feb. 27 edition headlined Homeless or welfare bums.

I am writing to thank Paul Chislett for his letter in the March 11 issue replying to a letter in the Feb. 27 edition headlined Homeless or welfare bums.

Being a man that lived most of my life on the system as a drunk/addict with many issues, including mental health, I am shocked that a large percentage of the public are so ignorant to believe that someone would choose to live this way.

If more people helped each other, and if people who have more then they need would help others who have nothing, the community would change, and for the better.

The bottom line is that I changed, and I am only one of many people who has made these changes in my life. We should all be working together here instead of passing judgement on others.

Tom O'Connor