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Sudburians deserve better - Rochelle Hatton

Outrage should be the Canadian reaction to the current political games. In deposing Paul Martin and dumping Herb Grey, Jean Chretien proves the only thing that matters to him is his career. Poor Canada. Stupid Canada.
Outrage should be the Canadian reaction to the current political games. In deposing Paul Martin and dumping Herb Grey, Jean Chretien proves the only thing that matters to him is his career. Poor Canada.

Stupid Canada. We are paying to maintain this comic strip with money Canadians repeatedly say should be spent on things that matter such as health care, education, the environment, and yet we re-elect these jokers.

And now comes latest news of Inco's agreement with Newfoundland over Voisey Bay.

Of course, in this case, we can be certain the last thing that will be considered by Inco or the Liberals is the good of our city.

So, if indeed, as the Toronto Star reported, the federal government will be financing the means for Inco to finally get Voisey Bay up and working how should we feel here in Sudbury? A new refinery is not needed. It is not to Sudbury's benefit nor most of Canada's. This is, as usual, all about shoring up political votes in Newfoundland for the Liberals. Sudbury, also as usual, is expendable. What would we do in revolt? Not re-elect Diane Marleau? Our MP, by the by, has been very quiet about all this.

Surely the effects of millions spent by Canadians to redirect ore from Sudbury deserves a tiny acknowledgement from our member of parliament.

One more blow to a reeling economy. Once again from the hand of government. If millions are needed to build a refinery, then let Inco foot their own bill. Do you think Inco shareholders will pay Canadians back from the profits?

Laurentian Media president Michael Atkins once ridiculed me for "whining" about the treatment of the north by our provincial and federal governments. I was not sufficiently in touch with "reality therapy" or aware of "paradigm shifts."

Now that we are down 10,000 people I think a new pep talk is in order. I would love to read a positive spin about the fact that my house is now worth $25,000 less than I paid for it and how the latest federal assault on Sudbury is justified.

Inco gave a party last weekend. I am sure they will spend plenty to make the pat on our collective backs for the years of blood, sweat and deaths seem genuine.

We deserve better from Inco and our elected officials whether we believe it or not.

Rochelle Hatton