By Tracy Vaillancourt
Capreol residents should know and be very pleased that their Capreol Online website is here to stay provided they continue to get assistance from the community.
All citizens who visited the website in January had a surprise when they saw there was a letter posted on the main page of Capreol Online. The letter was to announce funding from the city was no longer available and the website would be terminated.
Gary Biesinger, editor/publisher of Capreol Online, wrote the letter.
Biesinger began receiving e-mails and phone calls from concerned residents as well as former ?Capreolites? asking why and they began a campaign to try and see what could be done to save the website.
Biesinger reports he received over over 120 e-mails.
Because of the overwhelming response, Biesinger said he quickly realized what the website meant to people.
?The many e-mails and phone calls we received about the shutdown have convinced us to take another look at ways to bring the site back,? said Biesinger.
The site will now be known as a community-based project and Biesinger is now looking for contributors to help financially with the website.
There are three companies that have already come forward offering financial and moral support. They are Cutting Edge Camping, AN Sports and Virtually Advanced.
However, the project still needs more sponsors, said Biesinger.
?I would like to see a banner on each page, however, 20 to 30 sponsors would be great,? said Biesinger.
To become a sponsor costs only $10 per month, which will give that sponsor a banner ad on the site.
The new and improved website, which releases new content every Sunday, includes a free classified ad section, along with Hannah?s Kitchen, which offers cooking tips and recipes for people to try on their own.
Former mayor and longtime city councillor Dave Kilgour is keeping everyone up-to-date with what is going on at city council meetings.
Biesinger is also looking for public groups, organizations and non-profit groups to send in information so he can post it on the event calendar.
?We?re having a lot of trouble getting people to send in events happening in Capreol, I find most of the events on telephone polls and in the post office bulletin board,? he said.
For anyone interested in contributing his or her time or wishing to make a financial donation, you can contact Gary Biesinger by e-mail at [email protected]. You can phone for further information at 858-4687.
?We need support from the community to make this work and all support is welcomed,? he said.