Local psychiatrist and community leader Dr. Rayudu Koka has received the Ontario Medal for Good Citizenship at a ceremony at Queen’s Park on Jan. 31 for his outstanding contribution to his community.
Specifically, Dr. Koka was being honoured for establishing local mental health clinics throughout the North, including First Nations communities.
“Dr. Koka’s contribution to our community is immeasurable,” said Bartolucci. “He is an exemplary ambassador for Sudbury, and an example of excellence to which we would all do well to aspire. He is a tireless, effective worker and deserves to be recognized for his selfless contributions to Sudbury and the North.
“Dr. Koka is truly an outstanding advocate for our community and its fundamental needs. He is most deserving of this award and I congratulate him,” said longtime friend Gerry Lougheed Jr.
Honourable David C. Onley, Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, presented the awards at the Queen’s Park ceremony Thursday.
“Dr. Koka continues to define himself as a great Sudburian with passion and a zest for life which is truly remarkable,” said Meho Halimich, president of the Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Art Association.
“There is no person more deserving for the Ontario Medal of Good Citizenship than Dr. Rayudu Koka. Dr. Koka is an honourable, humble and extremely strong advocate who works tirelessly for the medical and police professions while espousing the importance of multiculturalism and racial harmony in a diverse Ontario,” said Ian Davidson, City of Greater Sudbury chief of police.
“I am very pleased to receive the recognition of my community through this award. It is an honour and a privilege to be highlighted by the Province for work that I believe to be fundamental to a growing society,” said Dr. Koka.
“I know I speak for our community when I say this is a proud moment for Sudbury,” concluded Bartolucci. “To Dr. Koka I say, thank you for all you do. You are an inspiration to us all.”