Seven companies and organizations from Greater Sudbury and area are participating in the Team Northern Ontario Trade Mission to Atlanta from April 27 to May 2.
The international business mission was organized by Industry Canada/FedNor in partnership with the North Bay and District Chamber of Commerce.
The Sudbury area is represented by Brown?s Concrete, Cambrian College of Applied Arts and Technology, Grandmother?s Pie Shoppe Inc., Knowledge Control Corp., Neureka Research Corp., Science North Enterprises, and Lumière International Corp. from Hanmer.
Led by the Honourable Andy Mitchell, secretary of state (Rural Development) (FedNor), the mission?s central objective is to increase exports from Northern Ontario with a target of having half of the participants active in the southeast U.S. marketplace within 12 months.
A business-to-business matchmaking process will be used to enhance the effectiveness of the mission.
Brown?s Concrete manufactures concrete blocks, architectural blocks and a wide variety of landscaping products distributed throughout Ontario, as well as Michigan and Western Ohio. Brown?s Concrete is progressively expanding distribution dealerships in the United States.
Cambrian College wants to identify and establish partnerships in the field of biotechnology, educational training and applied research. They are also performing market research to eventually secure a joint venture partner in the southeast.
Grandmother?s Pie Shoppe Inc. is a family-owned bakery with 24 employees which produces assorted butter tarts, distributed across Canada. They have tested exporting into the U.S. market and are interested in Georgia.
Knowledge Control Corp., a software development and consulting firm, would like to secure market representation and direct sales in the southeast U.S. for its Document Management Systems and investigate marketing its other management software in both Canada and the U.S.
Lumière International Corp. manufactures and markets low-voltage outdoor lighting and accessories. They have a diverse line of lighting products and proprietary patented products, offering excellent market support and profitability. Lumière wants to develop distribution in Georgia.
Neureka Research Corp. conducts clinical research (52 different studies currently active) with 20 multinational pharmaceutical companies, universities and research institutes.
The biotechnology division is engaged in several projects in partnership with Canadian and international organizations to develop biological reagents and devices in the areas of life sciences and environmental biotechnology.
Science North Enterprises is an operating division of Science North that sells services to design, develop, fabricate and install exhibits and multi-media products for zoos, aquariums, museums, science centres and othervisitor centres. It has prospects in the Atlanta marketplace.
Team Northern Ontario members have all met stringent criteria in terms of business capabilities, proven export history or export readiness. The mission has participation from the advanced manufacturing, aviation, information technology, food production, biotechnology and transportation sectors.
Atlanta was chosen for the first Team Northern Ontario Trade Mission because the southeastern U.S. represents a large market for Northern Ontario goods and services. Canadian exports to the state of Georgia alone are greater than total exports to the United Kingdom, Canada?s third-largest national export market.
The fact that Canada is already a major exporter to this area suggests that the region is aware of and familiar with what we have to offer.