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Drunk driver strikes two parked vehicles

A 32-year-old Sudbury man, who allegedly struck two parked vehicles on Kathleen Street June 17, has been charged with failing to remain at the scene of an accident, impaired operation of a motor vehicle and having more than the legal limit of alcohol

A 32-year-old Sudbury man, who allegedly struck two parked vehicles on Kathleen Street June 17, has been charged with failing to remain at the scene of an accident, impaired operation of a motor vehicle and having more than the legal limit of alcohol while operating a motor vehicle.

At around 4 a.m., the suspect's vehicle struck a pickup truck, forcing it onto the sidewalk. The impact was severe enough to cause a rear tire to be sheared off.

The driver then reversed his vehicle, and moved forward, striking another pickup truck that was parked immediately behind the other truck.

An area resident heard the crash, and contacted police. Officers located the suspect in the area of Dupont Street. He was found to have more than three times the legal limit of alcohol in his system.

The suspect is due to appear in court August 5.