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High school track, field stars show their stuff

The Sudbury and District Secondary Schools' Athletic Association (SDSSAA) held its annual track and field competition late last week at the Laurentian University sports complex.

The Sudbury and District Secondary Schools' Athletic Association (SDSSAA) held its annual track and field competition late last week at the Laurentian University sports complex.

The top finishers from all events qualify for the upcoming Northern Ontario Secondary Schools' Association (NOSSA) championships.

Event winners include:

Midget Girls

200m dash, Emily Rogers (Lockerby)
80m hurdles, Meghan West (Lo-Ellen Park)
High Jump, Dayna Herold (College Notre Dame)
100m dash, Jena Kiviaho (Lively)
400m, Jessica Porlier (Macdonald-Cartier)
1,500m Jessica Busch (Lockerby)
300m hurdles, Jessica Porlier (Macdonal-Cartier)
Long Jump, Jena Kiviaho (Lively)
Triple Jump, Tianna Deck (Lockerby)
Shot Put, Adriana Morin (Lively)
Javelin, Tina Montpellier, (Champlain)
800m, Jessica Busch, (Lockerby)
3,000m Jessica Busch (Lockerby)

Midget Boys

3,000m, Julien Sigouin (Lo-Ellen Park)
100m hurdles, Stephan Ayotte (Lo-Ellen Park)
High Jump, Thomas McCall (Lasalle)
Pole Vault, Sheldon Burton (Lockerby)
Long Jumo, Eric Marques (Lasalle)
Javelin Throw, Nick Callaghan (St Charles)
Mathieu Chartrand (College Notre-Dame)
400m, Dylan Roy (College Notre-Dame)
1,500m, Julien Sigouin (Lo-Ellen Park)
300m Hurdles, Stephan Ayotte (Lo-Ellen Park)
Triple Jump, Kyle Tarini (Lockerby)
Shot Put, Justin Richardson (Macdonald-Cartier)
Discus Throw, Mathieu Arbour (College Notre-Dame)
200m Eric Rogue (Notre-Dame)

Junior Boys

200m, dash, Andre Pelland (Macdonald-Cartier)
800m, Nic Aaviku (Lasalle)
3,000m, Justin Dallaire (College Notre-Dame)
110m hurdles, Andrew Lalonde (Lasalle)
Pole Vault, Mathieu Rancourt (College Notre-Dame)
Long Jump, Jerry Kitenge (Lasalle)
Triple Jump, Cole Pitre (Lasalle)
Shot Put, Matt Bouchard (Lasalle)
100, dash, Wes Bastien (Champlain)
400m dash, Andre Pelland (Macdonal-Cartier)
1,500m Nic Aaviku (Lasalle)
300m hurdles, Kyle Beaudry (Champlain)
High Jump, Jerry Kitenge (Lasalle)
Discus throe, Matt Bouchard (Lasalle)
Javelin, James Callaghan (St Charles)

Junior Girls

800m Veronique Spencer (College Notre-Dame)
3,000m, Renee Jaques (Lo-Ellen Park)
Pole Vault, Andrea Max (Lockerby)
Long Jump, Brianna Leclair (Lo-Ellen Park)
Shot Put, Celeste Lesny (Marymount)
Javelin, Sophie Lalonde (College Notre-Dame)
1,500m Renee Jaques (Lo-Ellen Park)
300m hurdles, Paige Leclerc (Lockerby)
High Jump, Sara Hennessy (Lockerby)
Triple Jump, Brianna Leclair (Lo-Ellen)
Discus Throw, Melanie Vaillancourt (College Notre Dame)
200m, Rebecca Johnston (Lo-Ellen)

Senior Girls

200m dash, Alexandra Nursall (Lo-Ellen Park)
100m hurdles, Megan Prevost (Sacre-Coeur)
Pole Vault, Bonnie Winship (Lockerby)
Shot Put, Samantha Falcioni (Lockerby)
Triple Jump, Lisa Furchner (Lasalle)
Discus Throw, Katie Goggins (Lockerby)
100m dash, Jenna Roach (Lockerby)
1,500m, Tika Patrie (Lockerby)
High Jump, Jenny Jelen (Chelmsford)
Long Jump, Hannah Smith, (St Benedict)
Javelin, Katie Goggins (Lockerby)
800m, Tika Patrie (Lockerby)
3,000m Tika Patrie (Lockerby)
80m, hurdles, Paige Leclair (Lockerby)

Senior Boys

200m dash, Aaron Rehel (St Charles)
3,000m, Andrew Hawkins (Lo-Ellen Park)
110m hurdles, Elijah Allen (Lasall)
High Jump, David Thibert (Macdonal-Cartier)
Pole Vault, Jacob Gauthier (College Notre-Dame)
Triple Jump, Dan Gardiner (Chelmsford)
Discus Throw, Devon Laframboise (Macdonald-Cartier)
100m Dash, Elijah Allen (Lasalle)
400m, Jeff Turgeon (College Notre-Dame)
1,500m, Eric Ouellete (College Notre-Dame)
400m, hurdles, Adam Kallio Lo-Ellen Park)
Long Jump, David Thibert, Macdonal Cartier
Shot Put, Bryan Davidson, (Lockerby)
Javelin, Brandon Daynard (Confederation)
800m Eric Ouellette Notre-Dame
4 by 400m Notre Dame team

Open Girls

1,500m steeplechase Renee Jaques (Lo-Ellen Park)

Open Boys

2,000m steeplechase, Eric Ouellette (Notre-Dame)


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