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Snoring isn't just annoying, it can be dangerous

Snoring isn't just annoying, it can be dangerous

Does your partner have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)? Does he or she have to sleep in another room because of noisy snoring? A snorer is often unaware that this is happening, but the bed partner always notices.
Column: I'm learning about the F-word, come along

Column: I'm learning about the F-word, come along

Editor's note: In this new series of columns, Judi Straughan explores the trials, tribulations of triumphs of being newly retired. The F-word can mean different things at different stages of life.
Column: A New Year's resolution for the whole city?

Column: A New Year's resolution for the whole city?

What if your New Year’s resolutions were not only about improvements for you, but for your community? Luckily, the two go together.
Jack Layton's son backs Shawbonquit in Sudbury race

Jack Layton's son backs Shawbonquit in Sudbury race

After spending the weekend with Suzanne Shawbonquit and knocking on doors for the NDP campaign, I can tell you my dad would have been very proud to come up here and stand by Suzanne’s side. Suzanne is an extraordinary person and incredible candidate.
Olivier: Sudburians should choose for Sudbury

Olivier: Sudburians should choose for Sudbury

If Sudburians crave positive change in this by-election, they won’t get it by voting for a candidate of any political party, independent candidate Andrew Olivier said in a news release this week.
Column: Sudbury deserves better

Column: Sudbury deserves better

Throughout this campaign, I’ve met with thousands of people. One of the first questions that I am consistently asked is, “Suzanne, why did you decide to run?” The truth is, it’s a natural fit for me.
Column: I'm in it to win it, Green's Robinson says

Column: I'm in it to win it, Green's Robinson says

There are two question here: Why do I run and why do I run to win. I am running because my family and I, like many million other Canadians, think cutting carbon pollution is essential. We don't see action from the old-line parties on climate change.
Column: Never too late to quit smoking

Column: Never too late to quit smoking

This year, National Non-Smoking Week ran from Jan. 19 to Jan. 25. This is an important event for our community because the incidence of smoking in Northern Ontario is higher than the rest of the province.
Column: Vision for city being built from the ground up

Column: Vision for city being built from the ground up

During the recent election campaign, I said many times that in order to meet the challenges facing this city, we must grow.
Column: Why I did what I did

Column: Why I did what I did

For the last six years, as your federal MP, I fought for the things that matter most to Sudburians. I understand the unique issues that we face, including the need for high-quality health care, safe roads and Maley Drive.