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Using new technology to fight an age-old war - Max Leighton

I became interested in web-based communication in the Vale Inco strike while working part-time on a film shoot with a group of out-of-work miners. Working long shifts on the set, we had plenty of opportunity to talk.
Children free to play on Snob Hill in Creighton Mine - Erna de Burger-Fex

Children free to play on Snob Hill in Creighton Mine - Erna de Burger-Fex

Living in a house on locally-nicknamed “Snob Hill” in Creighton Mine in the 1960s was everything a family with two small children could hope for.

Warm up to the Light - Bishop Jean-Louis Plouffe

“The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light “ (Is 9.1).

Finding ‘good people at the top’ can be difficult - Sam Bruno

Many of you have been following the saga of PET scanner access for Ontario and recently the odyssey of trying to get one home, here to Sudbury. The process has made me think of story from my past.

Christmas bittersweet for those in mourning - Kevin Shanahan

Christmas, as an adult, has always been a sad time for me, and I’ve never understood why. Of course, Christmas will never be like those of my childhood.

Setting record straight on Vale’s pension offer - Cory McPhee

Response to Northern Life Dec. 7 article: “Comparing pensions? Take your money and run” In the Dec.

Coping with a blue Christmas - Gerry M. Lougheed Jr.

Since my Mom died, Christmas has been different. The first Christmas after her death I wished Christmas would just go away. Somehow, like the previews on a rental movie, I wish I could just fast forward to the opening credits of the New Year.

Comparing pensions? Take your money and run - Greg Zografos

I decided to focus this column on why defined benefit and defined contribution pension plans are unrealistic models in the current de-leveraging economy.

Offering help, avoiding blame - Rick Bartolucci

On my way home from Toronto late last week, a polite young man approached me and asked if we could talk about the current labour disruption between Vale Inco and the United Steel Workers Local 6500. We had a good conversation.

Confronting the challenge of aboriginal diabetes

Walking into the Librarie du Nouvel Ontario was a welcome relief from the chilly evening air. It seemed like any other night, where patrons sat around tables, chatting and drinking coffee.