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Letters to the Editor

Chamber weakens debate - Mary Fournier Pagnutti, Candidate for mayor

The chamber's choice of process for their debate narrows and weakens the many voices in our community. The excuse of "too many" candidates is ridiculous. With a good moderator all candidates could come together easily in one debate.

Neighbours helping neighbours - Patricia A. Douglas

On Saturday, Nov. 1, an auction will be held in support of the food bank in Sudbury's South End. The food bank aptly called the Paris Street Pantry is an outreach project of St.

Minister fights to ensure beef is safe - Lyle Vanclief

As we are all aware, Canada's cattle industry has been hit hard since May, when bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) was detected in a single cow.

Quit littering and complaining about weeds, says reader - Carrie Regenstreif

I am writing in response to a letter to the editor recently with the headline "Ashamed of City" written by Bruna Broglio. I agree with the writer of that letter on some points, but not on two very important ones.

MiG sends Northern Life best wishes - Bernard (MiG) Poulin

I know how late I am, but then, celebrating Northern Life's successful 30 years should be a year round thing. Northern Life is worth it.

Gatchell residents shouldn't have to endure long trip just to vote - Terry Kett

Why should a large area of any ward be inconvenienced when it comes to democracy's most important act -casting one's vote? Well it is happening right now to the Gatchell residents in Ward One for the upcoming municipal election.

MP takes issue with letter writer - Raymond Bonin

Partisanship is expected during the provincial and municipal election cycle, but sometimes, slanted political commentary merits a direct response.

Help this guy - S.Marida

Will someone in this city give that poor homeless guy and his dog a bone? I'm talking about the kid who sits in the same spot on Elm Street along with his pooch. I am sick to my stomach every time I drive by.

No faith in Liberals - Rob Harris

After eight years of tax and slash government, it would be nice to have a change to sound fiscal management. I have little faith in Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals to provide it.

Trashy experience - Barrie Therrien

I recently moved to Sudbury from Winnipeg. I purchased a home on Woodbine Avenue. As with any move, we had more garbage than we could put out for collection so I loaded up my pickup Saturday morning and headed to the dump off Highway 17.