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Community partners succeed in building Copper Cliff trail

Community partners succeed in building Copper Cliff trail

BY WENDY BIRD A trail that will give Copper Cliff residents safe passage into town is expected to be open to the public this fall.

Promoting trails in the sky

BY WENDY BIRD Sometimes taking a risk brings great benefits. And although it may seem kind of odd, a group of local insurance brokers are actually encouraging people in the Greater Sudbury area to go on a hot air balloon ride this summer.

Portable music players can cause hearing loss

With increased playing time, easy portability, higher peak decibel levels, and rapid growth in popularity, the portable personal music player has become a ticking time bomb for potential premature hearing loss.

Precipitation records surpassed in July

Rain or no rain, that was the question. How it was answered for the month of July depended on where you live in Ontario. There was either too much of it or not enough. The wettest parts of the province were scattered.

Recycled rubber packs punch in planters

BY WENDY BIRD Residents may have noticed city flower beds are looking particularly lovely this summer. "We've tried to kick things up a bit," said Pam Cranston, superintendent of horticulture for park services.

MFM moves dates for awards ceremony

Music and Film in Motion plans to move its annual music and film awards night to May 10, 2008 from their usual night in mid-September just before the Cinefest movie series.
Ribfest takes over Cedar Street in two weeks

Ribfest takes over Cedar Street in two weeks

The second annula Big Daddy's Ribfest, presented by Downtown Sudbury in support of United Way Centraide Sudbury and District, is two weeks away. The event will take place on the Cedar St., between Elgin and Durham Streets, for the entire day.
Community businesses breath life back into torched park

Community businesses breath life back into torched park

Westmount Community Centre supporters unveiled a new playground structure Saturday. The old structure had been torched in mid-June. CRCS Recreation built a new structure and also donated a portion of the building cost.

Sudbury composer selected for international music prize

A composition by Sudbury composer Robert Lemay has been selected as a finalist for the International Composition Prize Luxembourg 2007, a prestigious international composition contest organized by the Luxembourg Society for Contemporary Music.

Tickets on sale for Theatre Cambrian's second dinner theatre

Tickets are on sale for Theatre Cambrian's second dinner-theatre production of the 2007-2008 season. I Won't Tell A Soul is Canadian playwright Debra Hale's latest work. Described by Hale as a comedy/mystery/thriller.