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Letters to the Editor

Councillors don't deserve to be re-elected - Frank Buchan

What has been almost amusing about the recent actions of the city council has to be the degree of helplessness they show in the face of every decision they make.

Americans should have learned lesson - Brian Oliver

History, it is said, repeats itself, because no one listens. Surely, the 1983 bombing of the US Marine headquarters in Beirut, Lebanon, should have served as a reality check for the current batch of American war hawks intent on regime change in Iraq.

What about Azilda? - Claude Berthiaume

Mayor Jim Gordon announced the third floor of the former City Centre tower will be transformed into the Sudbury Technology Centre. The Northern Ontario Heritage Fund has committed up to $500,000.

Concerned - Susan McKee

I am very concerned about the recent decision made by the City of Greater Sudbury to close many recreational facilities in outlying communities.

CD launch - Michael Lavigne

Hey, Northern Life. My name is Michael Lavigne and I play in a local indie band called Draven. We are planning a CD release party March 8 at the Towne House. We are a high energy hard rock band with some great tunes looking for some exposure.

Good game - Dawn Murphy

My husband and I, along with our 17-year-old son attended a game recently. Some of the instructors and students from Sudbury School of Martial Arts took on the Northern Sliders.

Hello from Windsor - Gerry Lalande

Hello everyone at Northern Life. Is so nice to read your paper (at and see what is going on in my home town. The weather in Windsor is cold but not has cold as Sudbury.

Bitter - Dan Charbonneau

City of Greater Sudbury citizens should pay close attention to the next municipal election, and reflect their concerns on what has happened in our community during the last two terms of council. It has cost us dearly and it is not over.

Great event - Joy Wirta

I would like to say thanks to convenors Claudette Myre and Nicole St. Cyr for a job well done at Capreol Minor Hockey's peewee tournament.

Zipper needed - Frank Petkovich

Carolyn Parrish, Liberal MP for Mississauga, recently made the comment, "Damned Americans, I hate those bastards.